Friday, December 30, 2011

Starting to Look Like Marlena

At this point, I started to feel more hopeful about the outcome, but her hair still needs a lot of work, and the complexion isn't quite right.


  1. this is sort of how I pictured her. Very cool to see her come to life.

  2. Getting better.. Her eyes just popped out at me.

  3. Oooo--popping eyes...that could be messy...;) :)

  4. Oh, she is becoming real. I tried real hard trying to understand what happened, flipping back and forth between the previous incarnation and this one. The only thing I can come with is that you kissed her and brought her to life. Or as you would say, layers.

  5. You know, there are so many analogies between writing and painting and bringing characters 'to life' and it has everything to do with layers!


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