Monday, January 2, 2012

The Painting I Interpreted

by Pascal Gentil

Interpreted sounds so much better than copied!

So, here's the image I worked from--see how sneaky I am, not placing them side-by-side in the same post!

This Marlena has a little more chin than I wanted, and although her hair looks a bit matted, that actually fits into the story. Todd voted for prettier hair, so I conceded on that!


  1. I'll admit, Gentil's original is impressive, but I wouldn't say it blows yours away. Your Marlena has the nicer chin and the prettier hair, hands down. (Todd's a smart man.) 'Tis an excellent interpretation.

  2. Thanks Nate--I am happy with my Marlena and Todd is particular about hair, probably because he doesn't have as much as he's like, lol! (But I think that's what they say about men whose hair is 'thinning'--smarter than average...)

    ...and thanks for the endorsement! :)

  3. Oh! Oh my gosh. I love both of them, honestly. And I like the hair on yours a lot more. Both of them are absolutely gorgeous.

  4. Michelle, it's kind of a toss up, isn't it? I love my Marlena because she's mine, but Pascal'

  5. This is going to sound all smoochy and stuff, but I would want to know your Marlena more than Gentil's lass. Although his painting looks more photographic (and I attribute that to using oils [as if I know what I am talking about]), Marlena draws me in more. I am still amazed.

  6. Yeah, Jerry, I think it's the oil paints, too, but Gentil just might be a tad more talented (or at least schooled) than me.

    I'm so glad to have you visit--you know how much that means to me!

  7. Just checked out the new Gentil photography website, and it too is full of naked women. Not that I pay attention to such things. I do have to say though that he knows what he is doing with that camera.

  8. Yeah, Jerry, I have to say I am impressed with his work. There's a whole bunch of his stuff I'd like to paint! ;)


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